Intro Content

Register for MRROS 2024

Code of Conduct for MRROS event

Margaret River Region Open Studios is a not-for-profit organisation that provides marketing for a 16-day event to promote artists at all stages of their career living between Busselton and Augusta and west of Sues Road.

As a participant in the 2024 MRROS event, you are expected to show respect and courtesy to others. All interactions should be professional regardless of platform: either online or in-person. In order to foster a positive and professional event, we ask you to confirm your agreement to our Code of Conduct.

I agree to:

  1. Show courtesy and respect towards the MRROS Administration and Marketing team, Board members and any other volunteers working on or associated with this event.
  2. Use welcoming and appropriate language at all times.
  3. Be respectful of different viewpoints in a constructive and respectful manner.
  4. Focus on what is best for the whole event.
Accept Guidelines
  • accept
NameAngus Watkins
Contact Number0431289199
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
What’s your age range?35 - 44
Residential Address4076 Caves Rd
Wilyabrup, WA 6280
Map It
Studio / Place Name (if applicable)Angus Watkins Art Studio
Studio Address4076 Caves Rd
Wilyabrup, WA 6280
Map It
  1. Place Name: N/A
  2. Street Number: N/A
  3. Street Name: N/A
  4. Street ( number + name ): N/A
  5. Street ( name + number ): N/A
  6. Premise: N/A
  7. Subpremise: N/A
  8. Neighborhood: N/A
  9. City: Yelverton
  10. County: City of Busselton
  11. Region Code ( state code ): WA
  12. Region Name ( state name ): Western Australia
  13. Postcode / Zipcode: 6280
  14. Country Code: AU
  15. Country Name: Australia
  16. Address: 63PX+H9 Yelverton WA, Australia
  17. Formatted Address: 63PX+H9 Yelverton WA, Australia
  18. Latitude: -33.798999669958356
  19. Longitude: 115.02756159549867
  20. Distance ( text ): N/A
  21. Distance ( value ): N/A
  22. Distance ( value in meters ): N/A
  23. Duration ( text ): N/A
  24. Duration ( value in seconds ): N/A
  25. Distance destination: N/A
  26. View in Google Maps
Instagram Handle@angusjwatkins
About heading


In which medium do you work? Please select up to 4 mediums from options below
  • Drawing
  • Painting
Describe your experienceMidcareer
Artist Statement for the Website

Angus has been working out of Wilyabrup since 2019 converting a tractor shed into his studio. It’s a nice place. Previously a musician and possibly a graphic designer he took a turn in the direction of art in 2017 and may forever be stuck on its endless road. His art is a course of expressionism served with line making. With thoughtful use of charcoal, pencil, ink, acrylic, oils, pastels, and whatnot together or separately. Essentially, his practice is attempting to open a lid of a can, or something, filled with unknown contents and placing the contents together in a way to create something new. Motivated by an expressionist glue, he wants to forge a, so called, new common thread through a clash of categories, ethically A-symmetrical in content! I wrote this… I’m hopefully giving new life to tokens by collapsing established types.. if you understand me. Please.

Artist Statement for the Event Guide

Angus has been working out of Wilyabrup since 2019 converting a tractor shed into his studio. It’s a nice place. Previously a musician and possibly a graphic designer he took a turn in the direction of art in 2017 and may forever be stuck on its endless road. His art is a course of expressionism served with line making. With thoughtful use of charcoal, pencil, ink, acrylic, oils, pastels, and whatnot together or separately. My turn.. Entering my studio you will see much art. You will also need time to process what is going on. Ill be down the back drawing so come ask me anything.

Image Upload Intro

Uploading your images

The process has changed a little this year;

Step 1 – Add 1 image that best represents your work for the printed Event Guide

Step 2 – Add an additional 9 artwork images and studio portraits for our marketing team

Step 3 – Add up to 10 images for your website listing – they can be the same or different to the images above

Step 4 – Add one main image for your website listing.

Each image must be 300dpi, between 2.5MB and 5MB, and formatted as a jpeg file.

Re-name all files to include your name, artwork title, year created, medium and size before uploading e.g., Jane Doe_Wild Seascapes_2018_Oil on canvas_10x10cm.

Please ensure the filenames contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores or hyphens. Special characters such as punctuation will cause the upload to fail.

Please add a photographer credit to the file name if required by the photographer.

(Note: we love to use smiling, welcoming studio portraits to promote MRROS on social media)

Please Note:Website images can be edited by logging in after your registration is complete. Event Guide Images and Additional Images can not be edited online. Replacement Event Guide images can be sent to Emily Jackson Replacement Additional Marketing images can be sent to Lizzy Pepper
Event Guide Images
Additional Images
Website Images
Main Website Image
Studio heading

Studio Details

Briefly describe your studio space (is it in your home, shed, farm etc, is it filled with light, is it tiny or cavernous?) & can you provide a taste of what visitors will see and experience there?

It’s a large green Shed renovated into My studio. I have much wall space and too much art too. so it will be filled with things I’ve worked on the past year.

Describe the kind of interactive experience you may provide to visitors. E.g. are you demonstrating your art practice?

Visitor will enjoy my presence as I work on art. Usually this will be a small drawing or something big in charcoal. Most likely actually maybe it will be something more multimedia this year with Posca's and ink. I would encourage people to interrupt me and talk and ask as it feeds into what I’m working on.

Are you sharing a studio with another artist?No
If your studio is difficult to find please list directions below. Also please note if your address is not correctly displayed on Google Maps.

my studios is called Angus Watkins Art Studio. it is listed on google maps. The drive way is next to flutes

HTML BlockPlease indicate when your studio will be open during the event. Please note your studio must be open for a minimum of 12 days to be eligible for this event.
Sat 9 Septam
Sun 10 Septam
Mon 11 Septam
Tue 12 Septclosed
Wed 13 Septappointment
Thu 14 Septam
Fri 15 Septam
Sat 16 Septam
Sun 17 Septam
Mon 18 Septam
Tue 19 Septclosed
Wed 20 Septappointment
Thu 21 Septam
Fri 22 Septam
Sat 23 Septam
Sun 24 Septam
Please indicate below whether your studio has or is:
  • carpark
  • buspark
  • family
Accessibility guidelinesIs there a clear and accessible path to your front entry?
  • No steps or barriers, steep inclines, uneven or loose surfaces
  • Paths are clear from the carpark
  • Suits a walking frame or wheelchair
Is your entry/exit point easy to find?
  • There is a sign that everyone can see for emergency evacuation
Is there enough space for someone to move a wheelchair around your work?
  • Ensure that there is adequate space between your furniture and displays
Have you got stairs?
  • Perhaps this is mitigated by a ramp.
If you have a no to any of these questions, it’s okay, just don’t check the 'Universal access' box!
Marketing heading


The next section helps our marketing contractors get to know more about you and helps them in promoting your studio.. If you do not wish to participate in PR and marketing opportunities, you can skip to the next section.
Do you have any relatives or close friends also participating in MRROS this year? If so can you please name them? (So we can potentially group you for stories)

Bill Meiklejohn my neighbour
Sam James, Stu McMillan, Laura Griffith and Mel Lamanna I do art with them you see.

Do you have any professional photos or video of you in action or your work in addition to what has been supplied for the catalogue? Please email them to
Events heading

Events, Workshops, 'In-conversation' events and Special Activities

Are you planning any workshops or events during MRROS? Please add details, and a booking link if required. Please keep this section for Events only - Demonstrations which are part of your regular Open Studios offering can be included in your Artist Statement for the Website instead. If you are planning more than three events please email additional details to If you are planning a regular event (eg a daily workshop) please enter this as a single event and include the days it will be running in the description, however PLEASE NOTE: Events without a date will not appear in the website Event Guide or Event Calendar. Please note you can edit this section to update or add new events up until MRROS begins.
Event One Heading

Event One

Event Two Heading

Event Two

Event Three Heading

Event Three

UsernameAngus Watkins
Payment heading

Payment Details

The total fee for participating in the Open Studios Event in 2023 is $935 including GST, and made up as follows:

  • Membership renewal $132
  • Participation fee $803, includes compulsory Public Liability Insurance

Full payment is required upfront by credit or debit card.

Billing Address23 Colonial Gardens
Mosman Park, WA 6012
Map It
Event Registration and Membership 2023Event Registration and Membership 2023, Qty: 1, Price: $ 935.00
Total$ 935.00
Credit CardAmerican Express